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TQopt: Quantum-Enhanced Optimization

Unlock Smarter Problem-Solving Power

TQopt is Terra Quantum's advanced optimization toolkit that leverages physics-inspired algorithms and hybrid quantum-classical approaches to solve intricate, high-dimensional combinatorial problems efficiently and accurately.

Empowering Businesses with TQopt

By utilizing cutting-edge heuristics and quantum methods, TQopt empowers businesses to:

  • Handle complex, multi-variable constraints in real-world scenarios
  • Discover optimal solutions in logistics, finance, and operations
  • Adapt quickly to conditions in changing environments

Why TQopt?

Superior Performance

Solve complex optimization problems quickly and effectively than classical methods, delivering superior performance and achieving optimal solutions.

Better Problem Solving

Handle intricate, multi-variable constraints effortlessly with TQopt, which excels at navigating vast and complex solution spaces for optimal outcome.


Benefit from physics-driven techniques today on classical hardware, seamlessly adapting to the evolving quantum hardware.


Tackle a wide range of optimization problems, from routing and scheduling to resource allocation and portfolio optimization.

Whether you're optimizing complex supply chains or intricate resource allocation, TQopt provides the advanced optimization capabilities needed to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

In the TQopt Toolbox
Physics-Inspired Heuristics
  • Extensive library of physics-inspired heuristics for unconstrained and constrained binary optimization, including tensor networks and quantum annealing
  • Efficient handling of complex constraints and objective functions
  • Adaptable to various problem types
Hybrid Quantum Optimizers
  • Implementation of quantum and quantum-inspired optimization techniques
  • Designed to leverage near-term hardware for enhanced problem-solving
  • Hybrid quantum-classical approaches for optimal performance
Custom Heuristics Development
  • Customized optimization strategies specifically tailored for distinct problem domains
  • Seamless integration of domain expertise into the design and development of algorithms
  • Ongoing refinement and adaptation based on deep, problem-specific insights and feedback

Key Features


Cutting-edge Physics-Inspired Optimization Framework

  • Combines tensor methods with true quantum algorithms
  • Continuously updated with latest research from our world-class R&D team


Quantum-Ready Architecture

  • Algorithms designed to leverage quantum hardware as it becomes available
  • Hybrid quantum-classical approaches for near-term quantum advantage
  • Seamless transition path from classical to quantum implementations


Scalable Performance

  • Efficient parallelization for distributed computing environments
  • Algorithms designed to scale with problem size and complexity
  • Automatic parameter tuning for optimal performance
  • Benchmarked against state-of-the-art classical solvers


Flexible Problem Formulation

  • Support for a wide range of optimization problem types
  • Easy integration of custom objective functions and constraints
  • Adaptive algorithms that adjust to problem-specific structures
  • Capability to handle both discrete and continuous variables

Benefits of TQopt versus Classical Optimization Approaches
TQopt's hybrid quantum-classical approach offers significant advantages over traditional optimization methods:
  • Enhanced Solution Quality

    • Discover better solutions in highly non-convex landscapes
    • Navigate complex constraint spaces more effectively
    • Uncover non-obvious optima that elude traditional methods
  • Faster Convergence to Global Optima

    • Escape local minima more efficiently using quantum-inspired fluctuations
    • Accelerate convergence in high-dimensional problem spaces
    • Reduce the number of iterations required to reach high-quality solutions
  • Superior Handling of Discrete and Combinatorial Problems

    • Excel in solving NP-hard problems like vehicle routing or portfolio optimization
    • Efficiently handle binary and integer variables in mixed-integer programming
    • Outperform classical methods in combinatorial explosion scenarios
  • Adaptive Problem Reformulation

    • Automatically reformulate problems to leverage quantum and quantum-inspired advantages
    • Dynamically adjust optimization strategies based on problem structure
    • Seamlessly switch between continuous and discrete optimization techniques as needed
  • Quantum Readiness

    • Benefit from quantum-inspired speedups today on classical hardware
    • Easily transition to quantum hardware as it becomes available, with minimal changes to problem formulation
    • Future-proof your optimization workflows with quantum-compatible algorithms
Example Problem Types and Applications
TQopt excels in solving complex optimization problems across various industries. Here are examples of key problem types:
  • Routing and Logistics Optimization

    • Optimized routes for reduced operational costs and improvedresource allocation
    • Increased profitability and faster time to solution
    • Improved delivery times through efficient route planning

  • Electric Vehicle Allocation

    • Optimizing EV charging and fleet management
    • Efficient solution for large-scale vehicle-to-grid integrationchallenges
    • Improved resource utilization and reduced operational costsfor EV fleets

  • Collateral Optimization

    • Optimizing collateral allocation across large portfolios
    • Minimizing capital requirements for derivatives exposure
    • Maximizing liquidity while meeting regulatory constraints

  • Scheduling

    • Solving complex scheduling problems
    • Network optimization for telecommunications
    • Resource allocation in constrained environments

• Optimized routes for reduced operational costs and improvedresource allocation
• Increased profitability and faster time to solution
• Improved delivery times through efficient route planning

• Optimizing EV charging and fleet management
• Efficient solution for large-scale vehicle-to-grid integrationchallenges
• Improved resource utilization and reduced operational costsfor EV fleets

• Optimizing collateral allocation across large portfolios
• Minimizing capital requirements for derivatives exposure
• Maximizing liquidity while meeting regulatory constraints

• Solving complex scheduling problems
• Network optimization for telecommunications
• Resource allocation in constrained environments

LNG Shipping Route Optimization
Using TQopt
A leading global energy company, sought to optimize its complex LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) shipping operations.

The challenge involved optimizing routes, contract selections, and ship utilization across a global network, considering volatile market conditions and numerous operational constraints.
Terra Quantum implemented a cutting-edge Hybrid Quantum Optimization method using TQopt. We developed an innovative multi-stage optimization algorithm that could:

  • Efficiently navigate the vast solution space of possible shipping routes and contracts
  • Integrate complex constraints such as ship capacities, port availabilities, and delivery windows
  • Dynamically optimize decisions based on changing market conditions
  • Over 30% expected increase in annual value through optimal contract selection and timing
  • Outperformed previous heuristics, generating superior solutions in under 7 minutes
  • Successfully integrated propulsion mode decisions for additional efficiency gains
  • 7% reduction in empty miles across the fleet compared to benchmark methods
The TQopt-powered solution significantly enhanced their ability to:

  • Capitalize on high-value shipping opportunities in a dynamic global market
  • Reduce operational costs through more efficient route planning and ship utilization
  • Improve decision-making speed and quality in a complex, time-sensitive environment- Strengthen their competitive position in the global energy market

Dive Deeper with Our Quantum ML Research Publications

Tensor network quantum simulator with step-dependent parallelization

Aug 2023

Quantum approximate optimization of non-planar graph problems on a planar superconducting processor

Aug 2023

Quantum algorithms applied to satellite mission planning for Earth observation

May 2023

Solving workflow scheduling problems with QUBO modeling

May 2023

Quantum-enhanced selection operators for evolutionary algorithms

May 2023

Optimization of chemical mixers design via tensor trains and quantum computing

May 2023

Dr. Margarita Veshchezerova

Dr. Margarita Veshchezerova

Head of Applied Research (Optimization)

At Terra Quantum, we blend state-of-the-art research with tailored, problem-specific approaches to deliver optimal solutions for complex optimization challenges. Our unique expertise in physics-informed heuristics enriches our toolkit with innovative techniques that enhance solution quality and reduce computation time in logistics, energy and natural resource management industries. With TQOpt, we shorten the modelling and solution cycle by providing easy access to a rich library of optimisation algorithms.
Accessing TQopt

TQopt leverages advanced mathematical structures and physics-driven algorithms to tackle complex optimization problems with unprecedented efficiency:


Work with Our Experts for Custom Development Services

• Collaborate with our optimization specialists to address your specific challenges

• Benefit from tailored solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing processes

• Receive ongoing support and optimization as your needs evolve

TQ42 Interface

Self-service Access through TQ42

• Access optimization algorithms such as QuEnc on TQ42, via Command Line Interface (CLI) or Python SDK

• Benefit from the scalability and security of our cloud-based platform

Ready to Revolutionize Your Optimization Processes?

Let's discuss your specific challenges.