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Quantum Security

The time to act is now.

The world's current encryption systems are vulnerable, and the threat of hackers trying to 'store now, decrypt later' poses huge challenges for entities entrusted with data. We provide ubiquitous quantum security through our growing suite of comprehensive solutions.

Awareness: Understand the Quantum Threat
Quantum technologies threaten all classical security solutions. Even the strongest versions of classical encryption may be decipherable by quantum computers within a few years.
Assessment: Audit, Choose & Plan
Getting started can be intimidating; we help you understand where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.
  • Cryptographic analysis

    Analyze all assets and determine their cryptographic protection. Lean on established frameworks such as NIST's Cyber Security Frameworks and the Cyber Defense Matrix.
  • Maturity & readiness

    Map the maturity & readiness of the state-of-the-art technology being used in the systems and applications you want to make quantum-secure (your "target systems").
  • Critical vulnerabilities

    Identify the critical vulnerabilities and threat actors to determine the timeline to make the target system quantum-safe.
  • Action plan

    Develop a plan to bring your target systems into a quantum-safe state and prioritize activities to mitigate the highest risks.
Action: Pilot, Test, Embed, Scale
Don't wait for the quantum threat to become a visible reality. Act now and secure your critical data and communications.

Whether you're looking to secure data at rest, data in motion, or data in use, our cutting-edge technologies and expert guidance will ensure you stay ahead of the quantum curve.

Our Quantum Security Suite Offers:

TQSN Post-Quantum Encryption
Post-Quantum Encryption
TQ42 Cryptography, our NIST-aligned and validated PQC library, features cutting-edge post-quantum algorithms for secure data transmission, storage and authentication, offering protection against advanced quantum threats.
TQSN-Random Key Generation
Truly Random Key Generation
Our QRNG service utilizes the inherent unpredictability of quantum phenomena to produce genuinely random cryptographic keys, providing an unassailable foundation for your quantum security infrastructure.
TQSN-Key Distribution
Secure Key Distribution
TQSN, powered by our patented QKD protocol, distributes keys with unconditional security, making key interception mathematically impossible and ensuring the integrity of your communications.

We implement post-quantum standards from compliance and standards bodies and enhance them with proprietary solutions in QKD, QRNG and PQC. We've submitted to – and passed – NIST-compliant test suites for our QRNG hardware and PQC software.

TQ42 Cryptography by Terra Quantum
TQ42 Cryptography with NIST-Aligned and Validated PQC Algorithms
Our open-source post-quantum cryptography library, aligned with NIST standards and validated through CAVP, is designed to help businesses protect their data from current and future security threats. This cutting-edge suite of post-quantum algorithms and key management functions complements our existing offerings, providing an accessible entry point for organizations to integrate quantum-resistant security measures into their applications. 


Library Features

TQ42 Cryptography - Hash Functions

Hash Functions

SHA-3 (224, 256, 384, 512, SHAKE-128, SHAKE-256)
TQ42 Cryptography - Digital Signature

Digital Signature

Enabled by Falcon, FIPS 204 (ML-DSA) & FIPS 205 (SLH-DSA)
TQ42 Cryptography - Secure Key Generation

Secure Key Generation

PQ17 Proprietary PRNG for testing encryption algorithms (via RNG software)
TQ42 Cryptography - Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric Encryption

TQ42 Cryptography - Key Encapsulation Mechanism

Key Encapsulation Mechanism

Enabled by NTC-KEM (McEliece) & FIPS 203 (ML-KEM)
TQ42 Cryptography - Comprehensive Key Management

Comprehensive Key Management

Proprietary key containers with encryption and secure file storage
Example use cases for TQ42 Cryptography
  • Wi-Fi Security

    Elevate your Wi-Fi security with TQ42 Cryptography, by:

    • Generating unique, quantum-resistant passwords for each new device connecting to your network

    • Encrypting password files using keys derived from the administrator password

    • Enhancing security by replacing manual password entry with QR code-based connection in the future

  • Building Secure Blockchains

    TQ42 Cryptography provides robust digital signature and hashing capabilities, essential for building quantum-resistant blockchain solutions:

    • Create secure links between blocks using quantum-resistant digital signatures and hashes

    • Ensure the integrity of your blockchain data against potential quantum computing threats

    • Implement a quantum-resistant blockchain architecture that safeguards your sensitive information

  • Achieving Perfect Forward Secrecy

    Achieve Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) in your communications with TQ42 Cryptography:

    • Generate quantum-resistant keys for each node, contributing to a robust shared session key

    • Prevent outside parties from learning the session key by breaking long-term keys

    • Establish secure information sharing between users by leveraging quantum-resistant keys in your PFS implementation

  • Smart Home Automation Security

    Protect your smart home automation system with the power of post-quantum cryptography:

    • Secure encryption between mobile devices, IoT sensors, and the cloud-based backend, preserving data privacy

    • Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted throughout your IoT ecosystem

    • Strengthen overall security with authenticated communication channels and system components

Elevate your Wi-Fi security with TQ42 Cryptography, by:

• Generating unique, quantum-resistant passwords for each new device connecting to your network

• Encrypting password files using keys derived from the administrator password

• Enhancing security by replacing manual password entry with QR code-based connection in the future

TQ42 Cryptography provides robust digital signature and hashing capabilities, essential for building quantum-resistant blockchain solutions:

• Create secure links between blocks using quantum-resistant digital signatures and hashes

• Ensure the integrity of your blockchain data against potential quantum computing threats

• Implement a quantum-resistant blockchain architecture that safeguards your sensitive information

Achieve Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) in your communications with TQ42 Cryptography:

• Generate quantum-resistant keys for each node, contributing to a robust shared session key

• Prevent outside parties from learning the session key by breaking long-term keys

• Establish secure information sharing between users by leveraging quantum-resistant keys in your PFS implementation

Protect your smart home automation system with the power of post-quantum cryptography:

• Secure encryption between mobile devices, IoT sensors, and the cloud-based backend, preserving data privacy

• Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted throughout your IoT ecosystem

• Strengthen overall security with authenticated communication channels and system components

Achieve Ultimate Security

Our solutions combine the best of QKD, true randomness (via QRNG), and post-quantum cryptography to secure communication between devices and systems.


Terra Quantum Secure Network

Our patented Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols set the world record for securing long-distance communications with quantum encryption in 2023 and offers security for data in motion. The Terra Quantum Secure Network enables parties to encrypt communications by securely sharing secret keys at high speeds and over long distances.


Entropy as a Service

Contact us to learn more about our single-photon Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG), designed and implemented according to the latest NIST standard (SP 800-90B) and certified by METAS – available off the shelf and via a SaaS product coming soon.


Key Management System

Leverage Terra Quantum's proprietary key containers with encryption and secure file storage, ensuring the highest level of security for your cryptographic keys.

TQSN Differentiators

In the face of evolving quantum threats, Terra Quantum's Secure Network (TQSN) offers a pioneering approach to protecting your critical data in motion. By leveraging end-to-end physical line loss control and optical amplification, TQSN delivers unparalleled security, seamless integration, and global scalability—all while achieving record-breaking data transmission speeds.
Find out more about TQSN
Unparalleled Security
TQSN's patented QKD protocol ensures unconditional security without trusted nodes, thanks to its advanced end-to-end physical line loss control capabilities. With a leakage detection precision of 0.001%, TQSN offers zero-trust security for your most sensitive communications.
Seamless Integration
Designed to work with existing infrastructure, TQSN leverages standard optical dark fiber networks, eliminating the need for costly upgrades. This compatibility enables seamless adoption, allowing you to fortify your data security without disrupting your operations.
Global Scalability
TQSN harnesses the power of optical amplifiers to securely transfer keys across distances up to 40,000 km—a feat unmatched by any other QKD solution. As the world's first globally scalable QKD network, TQSN empowers your organization to protect its data across vast distances.
Unrivaled Performance
By leveraging signal repetition through optical amplification, TQSN achieves ultrafast data transmission rates, surpassing other QKD solutions. Leverage the benefits of quantum-secure communication without compromising on performance.
FAQs For Key Takeaways
  • What are Quantum Security and Quantum Cryptography?

    Quantum security encompasses principles and practices to protect data and communication against threats from quantum computing, which could compromise current cryptographic algorithms. Quantum cryptography uses quantum mechanics principles, like superposition and entanglement, to encrypt and decrypt data, offering potentially unbreakable security.
  • How Does Quantum Cryptography Work?

    Quantum cryptography ensures secure communication between two parties, often called Alice and Bob, using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). QKD allows them to generate a shared, random secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages. A key principle is that any measurement of a quantum system alters its state, so if an eavesdropper (Eve) tries to intercept the communication, her presence will be detected by the changes in the system’s state. This fundamental property of quantum mechanics ensures the security of QKD.
  • What are the Cybersecurity Risks to Current Cryptographic Techniques?

    Current cybersecurity relies heavily on asymmetric cryptography for authentication and key exchange. Quantum computers threaten these methods because they can potentially break algorithms like RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, can factorize large numbers much faster than classical algorithms, risking the security of digital communications.
  • What Makes the Terra Quantum Protocol Quantum-Safe?

    TQSN (Terra Quantum's patented protocol) is quantum-safe because it resists attacks from quantum computers and relies on fundamental laws of quantum physics. It does not depend on computational assumptions, making it immune to higher computational powers. The protocol challenges eavesdroppers to distinguish between non-orthogonal quantum states, which is impossible without errors due to quantum laws. The security is quantified using the Holevo theorem and is theoretically proven based on the second law of thermodynamics and precise loss control. Unlike other protocols, such as BB84, the TQ protocol ensures everlasting security even against future technologies or attacks.
  • What are the Challenges and Future Prospects of Quantum Cryptography?

    Current challenges of quantum cryptography include high initial costs, complex technical requirements, maintaining quantum states over distances, and ensuring stable environmental conditions. However, the future is promising with ongoing advancements such as transitioning from dark fiber to lit fiber networks, which reduces costs and expands reach by using existing telecommunications infrastructure for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Additionally, progress is being made towards dynamic point-to-multipoint configurations, enhancing network coverage and allowing more users to connect securely.

“Terra Quantum has consistently proven its leading role in driving the second quantum revolution. Its pioneering quantum applications have tremendous potential, for example to solve the imminent quantum cryptography challenges.”

Quantum tech is here.
The time to act is now.

Get in touch to learn more about our security transformation program and start your journey towards quantum resilience.